People never know who i am...? how i feel...? is he a bad guy? or something weird about me.
Actually, we cannot make someone to do as we feel comfortable with them coz we do not have power to change a person.Another thing, please to be careful when seeking a friends coz in this world have two types of friends:
First: person that can get a long with u but they ignore u if having a problem
Second: person that less talk to u but they care about your problem
I also cannot figure out about my other side because i hate that. I satisfy what i'm doing right now but still there are few who not exactly can get along with me. Why this can happen? After all, i cannot be what people wanted because this is my own soul and priority.If what i'm doing is not satisfied enough... don't blame me and hate me coz i'm a human that have feeling and can differentiate between bad and good.
Whoa, if this is a meaningless, perhaps the soul will be darker and soon explode through everything...
just be yourself and dont care about the are yourself and as long as you know waht you do as you please...